The Concilium in Dublin has edited and assembled six books of writings by Frank Duff. Each book contains individual essays. Each essay may be read in a matter of minutes. These essays form excellent Allocutio material and will enhance your understanding of the Legion system and Handbook. All these books and more may be purchased at
The Woman of Genesis
In the “The Women of Genesis”, Frank Duff touches on some Old and New Testament stories among his 20 essays. A sampling of those to be found:
- Discover our Father in Faith in “Abraham”.
- Imagine the little told story of the Holy Family’s escape from death in “The Flight Into Egypt”.
- Explore the gift of our link to the infinite in “Faith Is The Subtle Chain”.
- Is it a coincidence or not? in “The Sign – Language of Faith” and “Look: A Pattern is Showing”.
- Should we be laughing our way to Heaven? in “Legion Humour”.
and 15 other essays.
The Spirit of the Legion of Mary
“The Spirit of the Legion of Mary” book of 22 essays by Frank Duff touches on profound principles pertaining to the family, including…
- Are you hesitating when considering “Marriage”?
- Giving our children due respect and trust in “Thy Children as Olive Plants”.
- What is the point of sending your child to “The Catholic School”?
- What role does “Fear” play in your life?
- Listen to the conversation of five men doomed to die in a disabled submarine…in “I Must be About my Father’s Business”.
and 17 more gems.
Victory Through Mary
“Victory Through Mary” by Frank Duff contains 21 essays delving into the Catholic faith through a Marian lens. A few of the readings to be found…
- Conversion is by conviction in “The Truth is Victorious, but it must be Presented”.
- Does the gift of our free will imply the existence of “Hell”?
- Read of the supernatural interventions at Guadalupe in “The Queen of Mexico and Empress of America”.
- Do we have a True Devotion to Jesus in “St. Louis Marie’s way is also Pope St. John Paul’s Way”.
- Revealing a woman with the heart of the Legion of Mary in “We Must Know Edel Quinn”.
and 16 more essays.
Virgo Praedicanda
“Virgo Praedicanda” (“Virgin to be Proclaimed”) by Frank Duff is a series of 19 essays chiefly centered on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s role in the Catholic Faith. Some highlighted topics…
- Did you know “Mary Kept Hens at Nazareth”?
- Are “Jesus and Mary in the Koran”?
- The Legion of Mary and the “Medal called Miraculous”.
- What do we know about “Archangel Raphael”?
- Real Patriotism is spiritualized in “True Devotion to the Nation”.
plus 14 other essays.
Walking With Mary
“Walking with Mary” by Servant of God Frank Duff includes 20 of his essays exploring topics in the spirit of the Legion of Mary. You will enjoy musings about :
- How much is too much in the essay entitled “Personality and Addictions”.
- Experience the past in the present reality in “The Mass: A Thrilling Adventure”.
- If we had no Catechism and all religious instructions were oral, we would teach “The Living Core”.
and 17 more insights.
Mary Shall Reign
In “Mary Shall Reign” Frank Duff writes a compelling exploration of Marian apostleship among his 22 essays. Read and ponder…
- The “hard” saying becomes reality at the Last Supper in “Capernaum and the Eucharist”.
- Jesus is alive, here, today, on earth in his baptized in “Understanding the Mystical Body” and “The Mystical Body Must Function as a Whole”.
- A mind’s eye meeting with Blessed Mary in “Mother of God” and “More Woman Than Any Other Woman”.
- What will it be like in “Heaven”?
- What is the evangelizer’s approach to be made at the door? in “The Spirit of Home Visitation”.
- Tradition and mystical revelation provide details in “The Magi”.
and 16 more essays.