Legion of Mary 49th Annual Retreat at Malvern Retreat House – LEGIÓN DE MARÍA RETIRO ANUAL 49º

The Philadelphia Senatus of the Legion of Mary invites all
Legion Members, Active and Auxiliary, to our Annual Silent Retreat.

Retreat Master: Rev. Father Mike Davis (English)
Theme: “Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit and Mother of the Holy Eucharist.” Register now! Malvern Register link…

St. Joseph in the Hills Retreat

El Senatus de Filadelfia de la Legión de María invita a
todos los miembros de la Legión, activos y auxiliares, a nuestro
Retiro Anual de Silencio

Dirigente del retiro en español: Rev. Padre Mauricio Piñeda
Tema: “Encuentro con María en los Misterios Gozosos del Santo Rosario” ¿Cómo registrarse? En línea

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Essays by Servant of God Frank Duff!

The Concilium in Dublin has edited and assembled six books of writings by Frank Duff. Each book contains individual essays. Each essay may be read in a matter of minutes. These essays form excellent Allocutio material and will enhance your understanding of the Legion system and Handbook. All these books may be purchased at http://www.lomshop.com/

“The Spirit of the Legion of Mary” book of 22 essays by Frank Duff touches on profound principles pertaining to the family, including…

  • Are you hesitating when considering “Marriage”?
  • Giving our children due respect and trust in “Thy Children as Olive Plants”.
  • What is the point of sending your child to “The Catholic School”?
  • What role does “Fear” play in your life?
  • Listen to the conversation of five men doomed to die in a disabled submarine…in “I Must be About my Father’s Business”…and 17 more gems

“Virgo Praedicanda” (“Virgin to be Proclaimed”) by Frank Duff is a series of 19 essays chiefly centered on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s role in the Catholic Faith. Some highlighted topics…

  • Did you know “Mary Kept Hens at Nazareth”?
  • Are “Jesus and Mary in the Koran”?
  • The Legion of Mary and the “Medal called Miraculous”.
  • What do we know about “Archangel Raphael”?
  • Real Patriotism is spiritualized in “True Devotion to the Nation”…plus 14 other essays.

The other four books are entitled : “Victory Through Mary”, “Walking With Mary”, “Mary Shall Reign” and “The Women of Genesis”.

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We are now able to order Handbooks, Tesserae and Legion of Mary Supplies from our new Publisher and Distributor Chernay Printing, Inc.

We now have an on-line store front for easier ordering. Please click on the link below to be directed to the order page.

Link to order page!

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Upcoming Legion of Mary Evangelization Days – SAVE the DATES and REGISTER

Evangelization Days are an opportunity to share your Catholic Christian presence with your neighbor through home to home visitation. Evangelization is done with a partner. If this is your first time at an Evangelization Day, you will be paired with an experienced person. “How beautiful are the feet of those who announce good news!” Rom 10:15

E-Day – Saturday, September 28, 2024- Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, 196 N Trooper Rd, Norristown, PA 10403

Registration is required via instructions below:

E-Day – Saturday, October 12, 2024 – St. John The Baptist Catholic Church, 502 Ford Street, Bridgeport, PA 19405

Prior registration is required…see instructions below…

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¡Nueva Edición en español de la Revista Maria Legionis!

New! Spanish Edition! Maria Legionis Magazine

We are now excited and pleased to be in position to provide Maria Legionis to the many Spanish speaking legionaries who have waited so long for this. The first step is to garner new subscriptions. We hope for at least 500 to 1,000 new subscribers for the Spanish edition. We will prepare the first Spanish issue, maybe in late 2024.

Por favor, ayude reenviando este anuncio a todos los consejos y praesidia de su Senatus. Gracias a la Curia Redemptoris Mater de Pharr, Tx,  bajo el Senatus de Houston, que se ha ofrecido generosamente a realizar la traducción de la revista Maria Legionis al español, ahora podemos poner a disposición de los legionarios de habla hispana una edición en español. Esto es algo que ha sido solicitado por muchos legionarios. Ahora estamos emocionados y muy contentos de emprender esta aventura y estar en posición de proporcionar Maria Legionis a los muchos legionarios de habla hispana que han esperado tanto tiempo por esto.

El primer paso es conseguir nuevas suscripciones. Esperamos al menos entre 500 y 1.000 nuevos suscriptores para la edición en español. La campaña de suscripción ocupará los próximos meses. Cuando veamos que tenemos un número considerable, prepararemos el primer número en español, quizá a finales de 2024.
Para recibir sobres de suscripción, llame al 215-457-6343 o envíe un correo electrónico a: marialegionis@verizon.net

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Frank Duff Miracle Prayer Meeting

Do you need intercessory prayers for a special need?

The Bucks County Curia of the Philadelphia Senatus invites you to attend a Frank Duff  Miracle Prayer Meeting on the fourth Friday of each month at Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Parish in Warminster, PA. Virtual attendance via the Zoom App is available. The purpose of this prayer meeting is to ask our Legion of Mary founder, Servant of God Frank Duff, to intercede with God for our expressed particular needs and intentions; for healing – both physical and spiritual, and all your special intentions. The meeting begins on  at 7:00 pm EST and includes readings from scripture and from Frank Duff’s writings along with friendly discussion and prayers. To receive a Zoom invite to the next scheduled meeting, reply with subject “Frank Duff Prayer Group”, your name and email address to Senatus email

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