Restarting the Legion after Covid – update

Some important directives from Concilium regarding restarting the Legion after Covid-19:

The following directive excerpts were issued by Concilium strictly for Ireland Republic but have some application worldwide.

Regarding Praesidium meetings:

If the praesidium meeting takes place in a parish centre or the like, the praesidium must take the following steps:  consult with the parish priest/manager and follow the advice given in regard to the use of the premises.  Cleaning may be necessary in advance of and after the meetings, 2 metre (6ft.) social distancing to be observed with chairs set apart;   good hygiene and sanitising to be maintained.  It may be desirable for the wearing of masks especially for the more vulnerable with health-related issues.

For the recommencement, each member is to be advised of the re-start date.

If a legionary does not feel comfortable returning yet to the Legion, they should continue to be excused.

If the priest asks parish groups to wait till later to restart, that request needs to be adhered to.   

Regarding Apostolic Works:

Each praesidium has its own work and will have to assess what can and cannot be carried out in the context of the present restrictions.    If in any doubt, do not carry out that apostolic work.   Hospitals, nursing homes and other instructions are not open to visitors so legionaries should not go there until it is safe to do so and the permission is obtained to do so later on.

In the parish legionaries should consult with the parish priest.   He may have works for the legionaries to do which can be carried out in a safe manner for the time being, remembering that the Legion should do any and every work that the priest asks as per the Handbook.     Later other parishioner can be organised to take over these duties as necessary.

Public Rosary – it may be possible to have a weekly public rosary for example.  If held within the parish grounds the priest must give his permission.   If there is a grotto in a town, townland, village or housing estate the legionaries might meet to recite the Rosary together at a specific time.   However, they should be mindful of the example they give and always maintain the 2 metre (6ft.) social distancing.

Auxiliary members might be contacted either by phone or other means and it might be possible to drop Maria Legionis in the letter box without ringing the doorbell.

See Philly Senatus Directions for Covid restart at

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