Philadelphia Senatus Covid-19 Update to attached Councils and Praesidia June 1, 2020

Knowing that the various states, cities and counties in the Senatus area are in different stages of re-opening from the Corona virus restrictions, there is not one directive we can give that will fit all situations. We offer the following Senatus directions to Legionaries in regard to resuming Legion activities:

  1. Follow the health and safety directives given by your State, County, city and local governing bodies. In addition, the Legion is subject to ecclesiastical authority, so follow the directions from your Diocese and consult with your pastor or Spiritual Director. When in doubt, ask your governing Council.
  2. Where in-person meetings are prohibited, virtual Praesidium meetings are suggested, if possible. Praesidia in general are holding virtual meetings, mostly to recite the Legion Prayers, some read or discuss the Handbook, and have an Allocutio, but this is optional; but nothing confidential should discussed until we can get back to normal. 
  3. Where your locale has opened to the point of permitting gatherings; Council and Praesidia meetings that are restricted to the permissible number of persons and that allow for social distancing along with face masks and sanitizing are recommended. Follow public health and safety guidelines.
  4. Members who are at high risk due to age (80% of Covid-19 deaths are with those over 65 years old), compromised immunity, or other serious medical conditions are advised to act responsibly and take extra precautions. Members who have a cold, fever or other transmittable acute illness are requested to remain at home. No one, either member or officer, is required to participate in any in-person meetings or activities until an effective treatment or vaccine is available. Active participation in the Legion during these pandemic restrictions is on a strictly voluntary basis. Officers are requested to keep the above in mind when considering re-starting in-person meetings and work assignments.
  5. Any initial restart to the Legion work apostolate should be made with social distancing, face masks and sanitizing. An initial effort to restart the Legion apostolate, in making contact ‘at a distance’, perhaps the book barrow/stand/table in the outside world, could be used to highlight Catholic literature and the Maria Legionis on display a means of sharing the faith. Since person to person contact type  Legion assignments may be entirely restricted or socially awkward at this time, one work suggestion is to make encouraging phone or social media or letter contact with Parishioners and Auxiliary members. Another is to practice True Devotion to the Nation via helping seniors and at-risk neighbors in coping with the restrictions.
  6. Councils are recommended, as a minimum, to continue their monthly officer meetings (virtually as necessary) in order to address any issues.  Annual reports from attached Praesidia and sub-councils might be submitted on their regular schedule. 
  7. Click here to see the full text of update to Senatus Covid-19 Directives
  8. Click Here for excerpts from the Covid-19 reopening Guidance from the CDC and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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