Our Lady of the Rosary The Third Luminous mystery: The proclamation of the kingdom of Heaven

(The eigth in a series of meditations on the  Mysteries of the Rosary by Rev. Addisalem T. Mekonnen, Spiritual Director of the Philadelphia Senatus).

Why did our Lord use the words “repentance” and “hand” when proclaiming His kingdom?

 There were many people around the world that were praying hard for the rescue of the 12 boys and soccer coach from the cave in Thailand. The Thai Navy Seal needed intense training and special equipment in order achieve a successful rescue.  Man cannot survive naturally under the sea because we were not created with the physical abilities like those of sea creatures who are completely at home in that type of environment. Unfortunately, the fact that former Sgt. SamanKunan, an ex-SEAL, died on July 6 while working on the mission to free the trapped boys brings that truth to the forefront.

Our Blessed Lord came from Heaven and that was the Kingdom He reigned in from all eternity with His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. When our Blessed Lord preached that in order for sinners to enter His kingdom we needed to make real preparations similar to the Navy Seals who taught the kids how to survive underwater. If the kids didn’t change and adapt to this foreign environment, then they too would not survive the journey. Although modern technology helps humanity explore foreign environments such as outer space, nevertheless, those explorations are always full of limitations because we can’t physically adapt to those environments. Modern technology cannot conqueror death, at best, only delay it. Our Lord dove into a world full of sinners in order to rescue us from an eternal death, but we have to trust Him because only He can help us get out of the cave of our sinful living. Time is limited on earth, but if we follow His lead and obey His instructions then we will not simply survive, but even thrive on our journey towards the kingdom of heaven.

We are called to pay attention to Christ with eyes of faith to realize that just as humans cannot naturally live underwater or outer space nor can sinners naturally live in the kingdom of heaven.  Everyone in heaven is a saint even though they were not all publically canonized by the Church. Consequently, they all experienced an intense purification from any attachment to sin by entering into the paschal mystery either on earth or in purgatory. These repented sinners and adopted children of God lived an intense love for the heavenly kingdom in which Christ was revealed within their own personality and ordinary life. Repentance is the process of transformation as we enter into the paschal mystery, so that our heart, mind and body are conformed to our risen Lord who lives within us. The kingdom of heaven is at hand because we are able to receive our Lord’s graces in the here and now of our journey of faith. Our Blessed Lord pours powerful graces into our soul through His real presence in the Church’s sacraments, Blessed Mother, personally guided by the Holy Spirit and daily carrying our cross to Calvary.

Fr. Mekonnen

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