Legion meetings: Directions from Concilium (Covid-19)

In excerpts from a letter sent by our Concilium correspondent to the Philadelphia Senatus, we have received the following directions regarding the holding of Legion meetings due to social distancing and health restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 flu pandemic:

“Regarding virtual meetings, under normal circumstances, Concillium would be regarding virtual Legion meetings as defeating the need for physical community contact, as in church, for the uplifting and inspiriting of the legionaries – part of the Mystical Body.

However, we are not in normal times and must be guided by Church and heath authorities during this COVID 19 Pandemic.

Whilst in this crisis, the Concilium is in lockdown, like all other responsible bodies; and in lieu of meetings, Concilium members are operating from home,  still receiving the normal quarterly reports when due, from the correspondents and supplying the normal monthly bulletin to all world-councils attached as heretofore.  

The Concillium would wish that the line of communications continues by email so that the schedule doesn’t become severely bottle-necked, causing a breakdown in proper supervision of councils attached to the Senatus. 

In light of the current situation, virtually (sic) council officers’ meetings only, could utilize the virtual apps available for such meetings, with due regard to confidential matters.  

For the duration of the crisis praesidia meetings, via virtual apps, could be held to recite the Legion Prayers only, with no discussions of business. ” 

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