Guideline for Praesidium reports to Governing Council

Click below to download copy of Praesidium Report Guidelines…

Please submit a copy to each Curia / Comitium / Regia / Senatus officer.

Report should include the following information:

  • Membership

-Date of Report

– Name of Praesidium, Parish, Location

– Time period covered in report.

-Names of officers and active members; any officer vacancies

-Numbers of active, praetorian, auxiliary, adjutorian members, recruiting contacts made, guests at meetings, members gained; members lost, members subscribing to Maria Legionis magazine                                                      

  • Meeting

-Percent attendance at praesidium meetings

-Officers’ percent attendance at Senatus meeting

  • Assigned Works by the President (The report should NOT include non-assigned works done by individuals or outside the Legion system.)

-List works done regularly under each of the following categories:




Describe new, unique or interesting works and highlights / results such as conversions, returns to the Sacraments, sponsorships, etc.

  • Functions
    (The report should NOT include non-Legion functions.)

– Legion function attendance / highlights (Acies, Annual General Reunion, September Function, Outdoor Function)

-Special Legion-sponsored activities held or participated in (i.e. Annual Retreat, PPC, Evangelization Day, Congress, Workshop, etc.)

  • Treasurer’s Report

-Previous balance

-Total income

-Senatus donations

-Total expenses (include Mass for deceased Legionaries)

-Balance on hand

-Treasurer’s Audit.

  • Problem(s): What is your biggest problem and what can you do about it?
  • Goals: List one or two goals and how you plan to accomplish each goal. List steps and target dates.

(While the written report may be any length as desired for reporting, the “read” report at the council meeting should be limited to 5 minutes.)