Click Here to download Praesidium Report Guidelines
Please submit three (3) copies to the Senatus
Report should include the following information:
- Membership
ØName of praesidium
ØPeriod covered
ØNames of all Officers and Active Members: Any vacant officer positions?
ØNumbers of
üactive, praetorian, auxiliary, adjutorian members
ürecruiting contacts
ümembers gained, members lost
ümembers subscribing to Maria Legionis magazine
- Meeting
Ø% attendance at praesidium meeting
ØOfficers’ % attendance at Senatus meeting
ØMethod of handbook study
- Assigned
Works (The report should NOT include non-assigned works.)
ØList works done under each of the following categories:
ØDescribe approach on each type of work
ØHow often is each work done?
ØComment on highlights and significant results
- Functions
(The report should NOT include non-Legion functions.)
ØAttendance at Legion functions (Acies, Annual General Reunion, September Function, Outdoor Function)
ØSpecial Legion-sponsored activities held or participated in (i.e. Retreat, PPC, etc.)
- Treasurer’s Report
ØPrevious balance
ØTotal income
ØSenatus donations
ØTotal expenses
ØBalance on hand
- Problems: What is your biggest problem and what will you do about it?
- Goals: List one or two goals and how you plan to accomplish the goal. List steps and dates if you can.