Our Lady of the Rosary – Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation

(The twelfth in a series of meditations on the  Mysteries of the Rosary by Rev. Addisalem T. Mekonnen, Spiritual Director of the Philadelphia Senatus).

How are we able to see with eyes of faith the silver lining in our own life ?

It was after our Blessed Mother realized God’s mysterious plan for her to be the Mother of the long awaited Messiah, that she began to see the silver lining in not only her life but also the life of the whole human race and offer up her “fiat”. Our Lady saw how the silver lining was slowly becoming visible also for her cousin St. Elizabeth, who was called barren in her old age before God blessed her with John the Baptist who would become the precursor of his cousin, our Blessed Lord. Led by the Holy Spirit, Our Lady went in haste, not to simply see the silver lining but rather to live and rejoice in it, as the dark clouds became a thing of past memory. It was the eternal Son who radiated the light of the Holy Spirit in order that both Our Lady and St. Elizabeth saw how God gives them a good reason to offer up praise and thanksgiving to Him for all of their blessings.

The song of Mary is in fact the song of every Christian, if we are willing to see with eyes of faith, the silver lining in our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ in and through His bride, Holy Mother Church. I believe the Holy Spirit calls us to ask Him to help us see the silver lining in our life by writing down all of the blessings God has given us.

We can write “Blessed be God forever” and then add whatever that particular blessing is in the same sentence. Take for example, “Blessed be God forever since now I am able to serve the good Lord for another year here at Nativity”.  After we make our personal canticle we should be brave and share that canticle with a close trusted family member or friend. Making our own personal canticle, most especially in seasons of Calvary, is a simple way of seeing a silver lining with eyes of faith.  Although Jesus promised that the forecast would be filled with dark clouds, nevertheless, it too will pass and the light of the Holy Spirit will soon become our joy. This joy, too, will be for a season on earth but the interior peace of being a disciple of Christ will one day in heaven become an exterior eternal season of joy.

Fr. Addisalem Mekonnen

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