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Procedures for
Election of Council Officers
The procedures for electing Comitium and Curia officers are covered in chapter
28 of the Handbook, “Government of the Legion.” Refer to section 1, “Of
Application to All Governing Bodies,” points 10, 11, 12 and 13 on pages 153 to
It is a good idea to review these points whenever an officer’s term of office is
expiring and an election must be scheduled.
1. Every active legionary is eligible for election (point 10); the candidate
does not need to be a praesidium officer. Usually, identification of candidates
willing to be nominated requires the initiative of the current council
officers. The president should include this as an item on the Officers Meeting
agenda a few months before the scheduled election so that a list of potential
candidates can be identified. Then, a council officer should be assigned to
speak with each of the candidates, to explain the duties and request that they
accept nomination. If necessary, don’t hesitate to phone a Senatus officer to
discuss potential candidates.
2. The upcoming election should be announced at the council meeting at least one
month before the election is scheduled to be held (point 11). It
should also be included as an item on the council meeting agenda.
3. For the council meeting at which the election will be held, the council vice
president should bring a supply of blank slips of paper to be used as ballots.
Only members of the council who are present can vote; that is, approved officers
of directly affiliated praesidia, ratified officers of directly affiliated
councils, and any elected officer of the council (point 10).
4. When the election item on the agenda is taken, announcement is made of the
office to be elected and that the floor is open for nominations. Each name put
forward must be formally proposed and seconded (point 13) by a member of the
council (see 3 above). The secretary must record in the minutes the name of the
nominee, the name of the nominating officers and the name of the seconding
officer (point 13).
5. If there is more than one nominee, a secret ballot is taken. The vice
president (or one or two officers appointed to the task) distributes, collects
and counts the ballot papers. The number of votes received is announced and
recorded in the minutes. A clear majority (half plus one) is required for
election. If there are more than two candidates, and no one receives a
majority, additional ballots are required. The exact voting procedure is in
point 13.
6. Ratification of the Election by the next highest council is required (point
10). The next highest council must receive the minutes containing the required
details of the election. The vice president of the next highest council
interviews the elected officers to ascertain that he knows the duties of the
office and is willing and able to carry out those duties. The council secretary
should also provide the next highest council with the address and phone number
of the newly elected officers. The next highest council’s vice president
presents the name of the elected officer for ratification by the next highest
council body.