- Attend the monthly meeting of your Council (Curia or Comitium or Regia or Senatus).
- Follow the “Standing Instructions” per Chapter 18 of the Handbook.
- Attend the weekly Praesidium meeting and perform a weekly assignment.
- Organize the September “Praesidium Function”.
- Assist the other Officers in any way needed.
For the President:
- Preside at weekly meeting; prepare the agenda beforehand.
- Assign the work and check that it is being done in the right spirit.
- Provide the Allocutio in the absence of the Spiritual Director.
- Occasionally break new ground in assignments.
- Communicate and build teamwork in the praesidium.
- Look out for and train a replacement.
- Be docile to legitimate authority.
For the Vice-President:
- Preside at the meeting when the President is absent.
- Keep the roll book: mark the attendance at the meeting.
- Keep records of all active, praetorian, auxiliary, adjutorian and probationary members.
- Look after membership: welcome and mentor new members, be mindful of absent and sick members.
For the Secretary:
- Record the minutes of each praesidium meeting.
- Furnish all information and reports which may be required by your Council.
For the Treasurer:
- Make and record all income and expenditures of the praesidium.
- Make the “secret bag” collection at the meeting.
- Secure supplies for the praesidium as requested.
- Make sure an annual audit of the Treasurers records is completed.
Note: For a fuller explanation, see Chapter 34 of the Legion Handbook “Duties of Officers of Praesidia”.