Government of the Philadelphia Senatus


The Philadelphia Senatus governs:

  • Pennsylvania,
  • Southern 1/2 of New Jersey,
  • Delaware,
  • Maryland – Wilmington Diocese only

Each Diocese in these states have their own governing council that is responsible for governing their local region. The Councils attached to the Philadelphia Senatus are listed separately on the following pages. The Councils are named Curia, Comitia, and Regia based upon their ascending hierarchy of regional responsibility.

There are also Praesidia (Parish groups) that are governed by the Senatus. These Praesidia are listed separately on the following pages.

Each Council and Praesidium make written reports to the Senatus at the Senatus monthly meetings.

The Philadelphia Senatus itself is governed by the Concilium in Dublin, Ireland which is the central international governing body of the Legion of Mary.

The Philadelphia Senatus is one of many in the United States and the world. Other United States Senatus Councils attached to the Concilium in Dublin are shown in the map on the following pages.

No Legion of Mary Praesidium may be established without connection to a governing Council.