Essays by Servant of God Frank Duff!

The Concilium in Dublin has edited and assembled six books of writings by Frank Duff. Each book contains individual essays. Each essay may be read in a matter of minutes. These essays form excellent Allocutio material and will enhance your understanding of the Legion system and Handbook. All these books may be purchased at

“The Spirit of the Legion of Mary” book of 22 essays by Frank Duff touches on profound principles pertaining to the family, including…

  • Are you hesitating when considering “Marriage”?
  • Giving our children due respect and trust in “Thy Children as Olive Plants”.
  • What is the point of sending your child to “The Catholic School”?
  • What role does “Fear” play in your life?
  • Listen to the conversation of five men doomed to die in a disabled submarine…in “I Must be About my Father’s Business”…and 17 more gems

“Virgo Praedicanda” (“Virgin to be Proclaimed”) by Frank Duff is a series of 19 essays chiefly centered on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s role in the Catholic Faith. Some highlighted topics…

  • Did you know “Mary Kept Hens at Nazareth”?
  • Are “Jesus and Mary in the Koran”?
  • The Legion of Mary and the “Medal called Miraculous”.
  • What do we know about “Archangel Raphael”?
  • Real Patriotism is spiritualized in “True Devotion to the Nation”…plus 14 other essays.

The other four books are entitled : “Victory Through Mary”, “Walking With Mary”, “Mary Shall Reign” and “The Women of Genesis”.

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