CLICK HERE for Annual Acies Planner
By January:
__________Set date and time
_________Arrange for church and hall
_________Arrange for priest or deacon for homily and Benediction
By February:
_________Make and distribute flyer
_________Distribute letter for auxiliary members
________ Arrange for organist
_________Choose songs
By March:
_________Prepare program and make copies
_________Prepare and copy song sheets
_________Include prayers in program or provide tesserae
For Acies:
_________Assign M.C.
_________Set up Legion altar in church (and in hall)
_________Bring processional vexillum and select someone to carry it
_________Be sure everything is ready for Benediction
_________Distribute programs
_________Assign servers
_________Assign ushers
_________Take up collection ?
For Social:
_________Have praesidia bring refreshments
_________Provide beverages (coffee urn, sugar, cream, tea/coffee, cold drinks, extension cord)
_________Provide paper products (plates, utensils, napkins, cups, table covers)
_________Have host praesidium oversee placement of serving of food
After Acies:
_________Clean up
_________Send donations to pastor, homilist, organist