Anniversary Consecration to Jesus through Mary

In preparation for our 100th Anniversary, the Senatus invites all legionaries to make a Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary as formulated by St. Louis DeMontfort.

The suggested dates for the 33 day Preparation for Consecration begins on

Aug. 6, 2021 (Day 1) and goes to Sept 7, 2021 (Day33).

Other beginning and end dates may be undertaken to suit the individual.

Daily prayers for each day of the scheduled Consecration can be mailed direct to your email address if you are interested, contact Br. Mike White @ no later than August 1st to be put on the email list.

The booklet for Total Consecration will be available in the Senatus building at 5109 N. Broad Street. The store is open before and after the monthly Senatus meeting; also the booklet is available for on-line purchase (see below).

A priest will lead the final Act of Total Consecration prayers after Mass on September 11.

Other Sources for the True Devotion & Total Consecration

Free IPhone App. “Totally Yours” can be found at:

Free Android App “Totally Yours” can be found at:

Ebook Kindle Version of The True Devotion and 33 Day Preparation (this is both books) can be purchased and downloaded from Amazon for $.99 @ True Devotion to Mary: With Preparation for Total Consecration – Kindle edition by de Montfort, Saint Louis, Catholic Way Publishing, Reverend Frederick William Faber D.D.. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @


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