Explanation of VP Forms 1-6:


Explanation  –  Forms for the Council Vice President

The forms are what we use at
Senatus.  You should have something similar in your council.

#1 Form for recording
the name, office, term, mailing address and phone for each new officer.

#2 Form for gathering
attendance information at the council meeting.  This is also kept as the
permanent attendance record for each officer for the entire year.

#3 Form for recording
new officers to be presented to the council body for appointment or
ratification.  A copy of this should be given to the secretary for inclusion for
the minutes.

#4 Form for recording
the praesidium attendance at the council meeting.  Fill in this form from all
the information on form #2.  Use the total row at the bottom for calculating the
percent present.

#5 Form for summarizing
the attendance at the council meeting.  Use form 4 as the source to complete
form 5.  This form is what is read out at the attendance report at the council
meeting.  A copy of this form should be given to the secretary for inclusion in
the minutes.

For Senatus and Regiae:

#6 Form for recording
the attached council officers attendance at the council meeting.